Friday, February 8, 2013

Reality-Red: Consistency Personified!

For those that like to study history as a predictor of the future… Look at Reality-Red’s PTAT and UDC from his first proof to his current proof.  One hundredth of a point difference when you add over 500 daughters and 300 herds! 

Dtrs avg: 24,834 (1123 dtrs/553 herds)
+2.48 PTAT (526 dtrs/304 herds)
+1.96 UDC
+2.79 FLC

AUGUST 2008:
Dtrs avg: 24,980 (67 dtrs/42 herds)
+2.49 PTAT (19 dtrs/12 herds)
+1.95 UDC
+3.61 FLC
TPI = +1672 

That is consistency! Reality-Red is listed on Holstein USA's Emerging 2nd Crop Sires (December 2012).

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