Friday, September 7, 2012

Winning Reality-Red daughters in Minnesota

2012 District VI Show

The District VI Holstein Show was hosted by the Washington-Anoka Holstein Club in Cannon Falls, Minn. on Monday, July 2.

Honorable Mention Junior Champion honors went to West-Lake Reality Wilma-Red. She was the first place summer yearling and was shown by Apple Acres.

The winning Fall Yearling was Lone-Oak-Acres Myrna-Red-ET, a Reality-Red daughter that was exhibited by John Sauber. 

2012 District IV Show

June 16 in Sibley, IA was the sight of the South West Minnesota District IV Holstein Show. The show was judged by Larry Dykstra. The winning Junior 2-Year-Old Cow and Best Udder in Class was Rodash-Sleep RT Kate-Red. She was exhibited by Jesse Kramer.

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