Sunday, December 13, 2020

Reality daughter scores Excellent-95 with EX-95 udder!



Oakfield Corners Real Harmony-ET 3E-95 EX(95)MS 10Y

Oakfield Corners, New York

                                          Willows-Edge Real Mink-Red EX-92

MGS: KHW Kite Advent-Red
Owned by: Bonnie Van Dyk and Kyle Knutson, Wisconsin


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Beautiful uddered Reality-Red daughter

Willows-Edge Real Mink-Red VG-88 2Y
1st Sr. 2 Yr-Old – Wisconsin Red & White State Show 2017
MGS: KHW Kite Advent-Red
Owned by: Bonnie Van Dyk and Kyle Knutson, Wisconsin

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Still #1 Outcross Holstein Sire

August 2017 Sire Summary: For the 26th consecutive sire summary, Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red is the #1 EFI Sire – meaning he is the leading outcross sire, as he has the least amount of genes in common with the population. But, more impressive is that he has his highest TPI (+2077) ever with this run! With formula changes and roll-backs he has stayed in the Top 5 Red TPI sires for 26 consecutive sire summaries! He is currently #2 Red TPI Sire. 25,000M +.24%F and +.06%P. That says "Cheese!"

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Reality-Red daughter tops Willows Edge Sale

There was a chilly wind but a great crowd made the trip to New Richmond for the Willows Edge Dispersal Sale. Topping the sale was Willows-Edge Real Mink-Red, selling for $37,500.

Willow's Edge Real Mink-Red was the Unanimous R&W All-American Winter Calf in 2015, and sold ten-days fresh. Her dam is a 2E-91 Advent, then a 3E-93 Rubens, then EX-92. There are 6 more VG/EX dams.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reserve R&W All-American Reality sells

Reserve All American Spring Calf 2016 sold in the 2017 Pennsylvania Holstein Convention Sale.

Arb-Flo-Spr Relty Libby-Red

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reserve All-American R&W by Reality-Red

Arb-Flo-Spr Relty Libby-RedReserve All-American R&W Spring Calf  2016
1st Spring Calf All-American Red & White Show 2016
3rd Spring Calf International Red & White Show 2016
Owned by Sarah Campbell, Evan Creek, and Chris and Jen Hill